Who Comes Here?

Private Social Media
ComoingSAhiman Rezon (AR) is the first Masonic social media site for all regular brother Master Masons; designed with Masonic privacy, security, and real-time collaboration in mind. AR is built for the brethren with the Fraternity in mind first. We never sell data.

Multiple Account Types
Choose between one of three account types; Level, Plumb, and Square; the later two are yet to be deployed. Whether you subscribe to our most basic or most feature filled packages, you will find that our features meet your needs in a cost effective manner without polluting the platform and our integrity with ads.

Feature Filled
Coming Soon: user moderated Wiki and Forums, multi vendor market places called “Shops“, user provided Masonic Education called “Courses”, and user reported Masonic “News”. If you’re a Master Craftsman and interested in contributing then click the link below.

AR is affiliated body; appendant, concordant, etc. body friendly. Such private groups are controlled by the membership; not by the AR Team. Secretaries should manage those groups.

Ahiman Rezon
the well informed Master Craftsman
Open Letter to the Craft
Thank-you for taking the time to gather here. If you found this site, then you were likely invited or looking for it. I have setup this platform up so that the search engines will ignore it. I am a student of history and there is much to learn from our past; from those lessons the future that I perceive as your Brother is not bleak, nor melancholy, nor wrought with doom. Only the weak and the fear mongers speak of such things.
Rather, I believe that we are most fortunate. Allow me to explain, in my younger years I was a formidable athlete; even a Champion in some regards. I have worn the laurel leaves of victory, and they never leave your heart. Champions do not gnash their teeth, quarrel, or weep in vexation. We defend where the adversary destroys. We protect where the enemy prosecutes. And, we Build for the Better.
History consistently demonstrates as does our Fraternity now that weak men, those who would rather deplete the spoils of the Builders that came before them and let our Fraternity be diminished than to answer our God given calling; yet, all of us, each and everyone knelt at the same place, at the same time, and we all asked for the very same thing.
Just as the Builders that rediscovered the Stone that was rejected and it completed their work; as our legend foretells the Word once rediscovered grants the Master Craftsman his working tools and he Builds. The time, my Brothers, is now. The strong grip of the Lion of Tribe of Judah is being thrust down into the darkness, it is time for the Master Craftsmen to receive the blessings of Mt. Hermon and to rise, together, again.
Join AR and Build the World
Bro ∴ Joshua Shimkus, 3°
Join the Movement