What We Are
Ahiman Rezon is the premier online exchange for all regular Freemasons; we offer a three difference access permissions for all regular Master Masons whose Grand Lodge is recognized by the Conference of Grand Masters of North America or the Conference of Grand Masters of Prince Hall Masons. , or is recognized as a regular Grand Lodge by the United Grand Lodge of England.
What We Offer
Ahiman Rezon is owned and operated by a brother Master Mason who is dedicated to never selling his brother’s data, nor annoying them with silly ads. Our membership system is an affordable subscription system which has three basic tiers of participation called the Level, the Plumb, and the Square.
How We Are Different
Ahiman Rezon is the first and only Exclusive masonic social media site. We do not advertise our existence to the search engines, and we’d rather that they did not send us any unsolicited traffic. To gain the opportunity for membership. A member of Ahiman Rezon has to send you an invitation. It is an honor based system, that the membership will only invite other Master Masons. From there you will be sent a link to pre-register and providing your masonic history and some of your pertinent, essentially making you a candidate for the website. After the review process is completed, you will be asked which of the following membership levels you would like to subscribe too.
Membership Levels

The Level access is our most basic package. It gives our brother-patron the ability to interact with the rest of the membership. It does not, however provide full access to the various features of the site.

The Plumb access level includes the Level, as well as provides an email and cloud services: calendar, tasks, document and photo management, video chat/conferencing, and cloud storage.

$15/mon, or $150/yr
The Square is our highest level of access, it includes both the Level and the Plumb, but also provides an online office suite for security real time document collaboration. It is required for all Vendors, Instructors, and Moderators.